This “Andrew Igene Prophecy” …CALL TO PRAYERS… was first published in our magazine in 1993. We feel led to reproduce the prophecy in its original form, for your exhortation. All we can, humbly, say at this point, is, judge ye for yourself. (Amen)!
“The Word of the Lord came unto me saying – Speak to My people and write to them in the land that he who readeth may take heed and prepare for the time is far spent, yea the hour has come, when My people shall now gather and pray and seek My face in oneness of spirit!
“Behold, thy Lord is weary of the jealousies, divisions and sins among My people. For the land is polluted, yea My people sit and eat in the table of idols and the leaders love to have it so.
“Yea, remember when I came to Israel and drove out the money changers from the temple and declared My house shall be called the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of robbers!
“Indeed, the Spirit speaketh expressly that the Lord will not tarry but will again deliver His people from the cloud of darkness and deceit which Satan has enveloped and bound many in the land!
“Yea, gather yourselves and pray for the Lord to bring rain upon the grass in the field (revival), that the latter rain shall fall upon thee, that the church will be one indeed!
“Do not say that ye know it all already, for ye know but a little and many know nothing that the Lord God will do in the land!
“Gather in bands, call a solemn assembly here and there, call upon the Name of the Lord; yea weep and cry before the altar, let His hand come upon thee; let all the people gather in prayers, repent and seek My face that the hand of the enemy be stayed; and that favor from the Lord be regained! For this is not the hour to procrastinate and clearly not the time to delay- for the Lord seeth that which is coming and sendeth this warning unto thee!
“For this call is unto thee and to the nations!
“Many shall bestir themselves and pray this hour and the cloud of refreshings shall burst suddenly, yea revival power and revelation and a great last day awakening shall come upon My people. But prepare ye, prepare ye indeed!
“From nation to nation shall this call to prayer be made and the Spirit shall move upon the prophets and ministers of the Lord and they shall lay aside their worries and their differences; Yea, they shall hold their hands together and pray fervently with fear, without hypocrisy; in fasting and weeping shall they seek My face and the Lord shall come and His voice shall be heard in the temple, and He shall speak to His people as a man speaketh to his friend.
“Therefore, gather ye the sheaves, get ye together and forget your denominational byways and seek Me only, saith the Lord.
“And then from country to country, shall My Spirit utter forth the word of prophecy to call My own unto Me, yea, not as man calleth but as the Lord calleth…For ye standeth in a new hour, a new day for the former revival passeth away! Behold a new and fresh wine of the Spirit cometh indeed; see that ye do not miss it!
“For they that walk in their own conceit and hold My people bound shall be scattered and My people shall be free! (Who the Son of Man sets free shall be indeed)! Amen! For this is the voice of the Lord that speaketh unto thee!
“Pray in the morning, pray in the night, pray all the time; not as the world prayeth in flimsy utterances of their lips, but pray thee in the closet in humble sincerity and fervency of the Spirit and ye shall see wondrous things!
“For the Lord shall raise up prayer warriors in the true order of the Spirit who seek only His glory and the end of the reproach of the Name of the Lord!
“Behold, My Bride shall not seek self glory, neither shall they seek self praise. For the spirit of prayer and thanksgiving shall lead thee into wonderful things of My Word and Spirit!”
By Andrew Igene (1993)…(Evangelist & Teacher)!